General medicine 9
GM case Case scenario.. Hi,I am K.Sahalypa,3rd BDS student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning. Chief complaints Patient complains of fever since 4 Days History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days ago,then he developed fever of high grade associated with chills and rigors not associated with cough,cold,sore throat,Shortness of Breath,palpitations and Abdominal pain. He had Vomitings 3 episodes 3 days back,Non billious,Non projectile,contain food particles as content. No History of Hematuria,Hematemisis. No History of blood in stools,no other bleeding manifestations. History of past illness Hypertension-No Diabetes mellitus-No CVA-No CAD-No Asthma-No Tuberculosis-No Epilepsy-No. Personal History Diet-Mixed Appetite-Normal Bowel&Bladder-Regular Allergies-No known allergies Addictions-No addictions Family H...